Backing Spanner

Backing Spanner

If you are interested in hiring any of our products, please contact us and one of our sales representatives will be in touch with a quote.

Models Available

  • BACKING SPANNER to fit 3 7/8 AF nut size LR314
  • BACKING SPANNER to fit 2 5/16 (75mm) AF nut LR215
  • BACKING SPANNER to fit 95-mm AF nut size LR95
  • BACKING SPANNER to fit 3 1/8 AF nut (80-mm) s LR302
  • BACKING SPANNER to fit 2 3/4 AF nut (70-mm) s LR212
  • BACKING SPANNER to fit 3 1/2 AF nut (90-mm) s LR308

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